
  • Customer: Dassault Aircraft Service Corp.

  • Our Role: Design-Build

  • Size: 10,978 SF

  • Location: Reno, NV

Project Description

The 10,978 sf, two-story addition at Dassault Falcon sits on the Reno-Tahoe International Airport grounds. The expansion features a storage room for parts and equipment, break room, full locker rooms with bathrooms and showers, conference room, avionics work room, new stairways and a quality assurance room overlooking the main aviation work floor.


Dassault is a French based aircraft manufacturer of business and corporate jets. The United Construction design-build team also delivered the existing building used by Dassault. United delivered it in 1996 as an aircraft maintenance hangar for Reno Air.

  • Customer: Atlantic Aviation

  • Our Role: Design-Build

  • Size: 43,000 SF

  • Construction Schedule: 10 Months

  • Location: Reno, NV

Project Description

This project included the design and construction of a new hangar and Fixed Base Operations (FBO) facility at the Reno Tahoe International Airport. The project included the demolition of two existing buildings on site, upgrading the existing site parking areas with new asphalt overlay, the installation and re-routing of existing utilities to the facility, and the construction of a new 30,000 square-foot aircraft hangar and new two-story 13,000 square-foot FBO facility.

  • Customer: Nevada Air National Gaurd

  • Our Role: Design-Build

  • Size: 36,150 SF

  • Construction Schedule: 14 Months

  • Location: Reno, NV

Project Description

This project included the demolition and removal of two existing buildings and construction of a two-story, 36,150 square-foot building with structural steel and masonry bearing walls, with Centria metal panels, glass window and curtain walls, and barrel and flat roof components. Includes offices, operational areas, meeting & assembly rooms, and locker rooms. The building is blast resistant in both the structural system and the exterior shell and skin system and includes a sophisticated communications and data system capable of transmitting visual, written, and voice information to military operations throughout the world. Intelligence gathering and transmitting operations within the building are shielded to prevent electronic penetration by outside sources.