04 Jan Winter Construction Shapes Up at Swope Middle School
While the month of December has brought the Swope Middle School construction team rapidly-changing weather, crews are still on track to deliver key milestones on time for the students and staff. With continual snowfall, United Construction and our subcontractors remain committed to safety.
“Safety is of utmost importance to our entire team, and with snow affecting our line of work, safety is especially at the forefront,” said Casey Gunther, Operations Manager for United Construction. “We take no shortcuts and always ensure everyone onsite practices the highest quality safety measures, especially in extreme weather.”
Crews are almost complete with masonry walls for the new two-story classroom building. Scaffolding went vertical this month as well, which you can see depicted in the picture above. Additionally, the structural steel erection will start during the first part of January.
Mechanical, plumbing and electrical upgrades for the existing classrooms continue onwards. The team is working on an afternoon swing shift after school hours with a focus on replacing the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system.
Site crews completed early morning concrete pours at the beginning of this month. We will ensure neighbors are made aware of any future early morning concrete work at the school.
Drone photo by Ryland Sweigard