25 Mar Southern Nevada jobsites continue to shape up
Crews are making great progress at the project site of our industrial 664,000-square-foot inventory facility in North Las Vegas. Superintendent Colton Brock is celebrating the fact that the pad subgrade is about 90% completed, and only 40,000 yards of export remain. Additionally, crushing for Type-II is currently taking place onsite.
Additionally, swift progress is afoot at our logistics project in Henderson. Our work on this project will initially consist of two logistics buildings (of a four-building project). Building 1 will be 330,000 square feet, and Building 2 will be 265,000 square feet. Under-slab utilities for those first two buildings have recently been completed, and according to Superintendent Kerry Brock, crews are beginning the tie-ins for the sanitary, storm, and water systems. Up next, the team will start digging footings.
Below, the photo to the left features March progress at our North Las Vegas site, and the photo to the right highlights our Henderson project, also in March.