12 Sep Exciting Milestone at Stellar Aviation
Posted at 08:29h
in Project Milestone
Big day at Stellar Aviation as we set the main truss across the front of the hangar today. This truss measures 250’ long by 9’ tall weighing in at 95,000 lbs with rigging. Due to the length of the truss this had to be set using two cranes qualifying this as a critical pick. Everything went smoothly during the erection and fit-up, we spent a great deal of time planning every step of the process which led to the success of this critical pick. The next few days we will have a crane onsite setting the balance of the smaller roof trusses that make up the balance of the roof structure.
Thank you to The Metal Company, Elite Safety, Freedom Crane, Harlee, Dylan and the rest of the United Team who took part in the planning of today’s lift.